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05. Career Norm Smasher


A sassy cat strolls into a café, confidently orders coffee and a scrumptious treat.

The waiter's jaw drops in awe.


- What's the surprise? - Well... you're a cat! - Bingo! - And you're talking! - No biggie. Will you bring my order or what? - Oh, my bad! Absolutely, coming right up. Just never seen you around here... - First time for me too. I'm on the job hunt, had an interview, thought I'd grab a coffee.

The waiter returns with the order, spotting the cat furiously typing away on a laptop.

- Here's your coffee. Hey, I've been thinking... You're looking for work, right? My uncle runs a circus, and he'd love to hire you with an awesome paycheck!

- A circus? - the cat says. - With a grand arena, a majestic dome, and a rocking orchestra?

-You got it! - Clowns, acrobats, and mighty elephants? - Absolutely! - Sweet cotton candy, popcorn galore, and lollipops on sticks? - Oh, yeah, all of that! - Sounds tempting! But why would they need a programmer?

Yours, 9-to-6

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04. Eye-Piercing Resume Advice


Pay dangerously close attention to and obsessively follow the most absurd trends. This year, coral-colored resumes are totally mind-blowing, dude!

Choose the most outrageously cheesy resume template and select a headshot that showcases your otherworldly beauty because, let's face it, you're a divine creature of pure magnificence.

Make an audacious statement by using an astonishing array of fonts and colors that will cause irreversible retina damage to anyone who dares to gaze upon your resume.

Who needs branding anyway? That's just a fancy term for those who have nothing better to do with their time and money. #FreeSpirit

Load up your resume with an unholy amount of buzzwords, jargon, and hashtags to proclaim your absolute supremacy as an overachieving, go-getting, trend-setting demigod of talent.

Write your resume as if you were crafting an epistle to the President himself, impressing upon him the urgency and importance of your unparalleled greatness.

Forget about a professional headshot. Opt for a photo from your Facebook profile, preferably one where you're juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. Show them the true essence of your personality!

Study the profiles of your competitors with intense scrutiny. Unearth their deepest secrets and steal their mojo for your own diabolical purposes.

Master the art of mind control and manipulation, bending recruiters and hiring managers to your will with cunning tactics such as: "I've already received two job offers, so you better move your sloth-like hiring process!"

No recommendations? No worries, mate. Just invent a legion of fictional admirers who sing your praises from mountaintops and shower you with glittery confetti of endorsement.

Don't be just shy about including company logos on your resume. Slap them on there like a superhero's emblem, boldly asserting your dominance over the corporate universe.

Seek advice on your resume from your wise old grandma to your imaginary friend, Mr. Fluffykins. Gather all their wisdom and unleash it upon your unsuspecting resume.

And last but not least, sprinkle your resume liberally with clichés that have been used and abused like a piñata at a never-ending party. Because who doesn't love a good cliché, right?

Embark on an experience so epic that it will leave your career in ruins and your life forever altered.

Yours, 9-to-6

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03. Fà Balà L'Oeucc*


The harsh reality of your sabbatical.

You toil relentlessly until the stroke of December, pouring your heart and soul into your work, only to abruptly vanish into thin air, seeking refuge in an elusive short-term retreat.

But wait, it gets weirder.

Just before disappearing, you gather your wits and inform your headhunter of your grand plan to return in the following month, securing a spot in their memory for future job prospects.

Fast forward to March, and you make an outlandish call to your headhunter, declaring with unwavering conviction that you've been invited to become the proud owner of a minuscule fish factory in far-flung Asia.

Naturally, you decide to abandon all reasons and embark on this piscine adventure.

And what happens next?

Your headhunter, being the forgetful soul that they are (after all, they're not your dear mother), promptly erases you from their mental Rolodex.

But hold on, the chaos doesn't end there.

Three and a half years later, you resurface from the depths of your fishy escapade, dialing up your headhunter with a rather audacious demand: to secure a decent job that matches your previous position and grants you a twentyfold increase in salary.

Cue the headhunter's bewildered response:

"Greetings, stranger from a bygone era! The world has spun madly on its axis and your name has been devoured by the winds of change. Twentyfold? I can barely find a crumb of space for you."

Eventually, after six agonizing months, you're begrudgingly offered a position that barely grazes the lower rungs of the corporate ladder, and the salary. Well, let's just say it falls fourteen times short of your grand ambitions.

But here comes the punchline.

Nine months later, your headhunter stumbles upon a mind-boggling sight. A picture of you gracefully striking a pose beneath a majestic palm tree.

You were destined to embark on yet another mind-altering journey, abandoning the solid ground you once occupied.

You'll find yourself idling away for 1-2 years, only to be irresistibly drawn back into the mystical retreat when the gloom of November descends upon the land.

So, let me ask you this:

Does the bizarre world we inhabit truly yearn for the enigmatic presence of such an extraordinary employee?

Yours, 9-to-6

* In the classic Milanese dialect, it means "make your eye dance" ("be careful, look around’’)

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02. But My Mom Says I’m Cool


Recruiters work in a simple way.

You suspect that, despite your best efforts, a good job just can't seem to locate your existence.


1: If you happen to possess the wrong set of keywords, consider yourself banished. Should your job title be even slightly askew, prepare for exile. And heaven forbid you possess an unappealing headshot—your fate is sealed.

2: The temptation arises to stuff your application with an insane number of tags and acronyms, hoping to capture the attention of those elusive recruiters. But alas! Sooner or later, your resume lands in the hands of a human. And this human, undoubtedly, will ponder the enigma before them and exclaim, "WTF."

3: It's not your fault, you insist. Blame it on the 1973 oil crisis, the government, capitalism, or even the malevolent alignment of Saturn. Oh, and let's not forget the ever-present scapegoat—COVID! Recruiters, those vile creatures, are surely the embodiment of a**holery. And let's face it, everyone lies.

4: Perhaps you're just a certified dumba**.

But remember, sometimes a banana is merely a banana.

You possess unparalleled awesomeness, the job opportunity is a match made in heaven, and yet, the elusive recruiter refuses to grace you with a call. Fear not, for it is but a minor setback. Something has undoubtedly gone awry.

The wisest course of action? Delve deep into the abyss of this perplexing situation. However, be prepared to discover naught but a bottomless void of confusion.

You, my friend, are likely deemed too expensive. Overqualified. Expensive and underqualified. Inexpensive and overqualified. Inexpensive and underqualified. Perhaps too ambitious, or not ambitious enough. You have blond hair. You have dark hair.

The quest for job-hunting wisdom continues, and even more perplexing, the pursuit of hidden job opportunities.

In your desperation, you turn to the sacred guardians of employment—the headhunters.

For lo and behold! Serious companies, armed with their avant-garde ideologies, eschew the traditional job postings and instead employ headhunters who operate covertly on LinkedIn.

But beware! These headhunters are but pawns in the grand scheme. They serve the whims of the company, caring naught for your plight.

Undeterred, you proceed directly to the domain of HR personnel.

Ah, the audacity! Even if you manage to locate the elusive hiring manager entrusted with your job posting, they will inevitably redirect you to the realm of online applications. A futile endeavor, one might say.

Behold, the ATS—an ethereal software entity that scans, organizes, and rates online job applications. It grapples with the enigmatic challenges posed by graphics, headshots, fonts, and a myriad of other perplexities.

Prepare yourself, for a robotic emissary will soon grace your inbox with a polite yet final rejection. A rejection so eloquently delivered with the acronym PFO, which translates to "Please F_ck Off."

Should your resume fail to conform to the whims of the ATS, rest assured that a human eye shall never grace its contents. The fate of your job prospects lies in the hands of the unseen.

And so, a good job eludes you.

Fear not, for we shall unveil the clandestine secrets of infiltrating a company, even if it lurks within the depths of a kangaroo's pocket.

And remember.

When someone as cool as you screws up, a guy from point 4 gets a chance.

Yours, 9-to-6

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01. (Work) F_-up


Freud: This f_-up happened in your early childhood.

Hubbard: Don't listen to Freud! This f_-up happened in your prenatal period.

Nietzsche: This f_-up makes you stronger.

Jung: The fact that this f_-up happened is a manifestation of the archetype of the Mother Goddess.

Bern: This f_-up happened to my grandma.

Gandhi: Do not resist this f_-up.

Carnegie: A f_-up happened? Smile at the f_-up!

Neuro-linguistic programming: How do you know that this f_-up happened to you?

Gestalt: And how do you feel because of the f_-up that happened?

Coaching: Develop yourself, don’t be f_d-up!

Transurfing: I wish for myself the most wonderful f_-up ever!

Klaus Joehle: Send your love to this f_-up.

Psychology: A f_-up happened? Take responsibility for this f_-up.

Sexology: All f_-ups are because of lack of f __ ck.

Sociology: Your f_-up happened because of all the d_ckheads around you.

Astrology: This f_-up happened because Mercury is in retrograde.

Esoterism: This f_-up is a chain of unrevealed patterns hidden behind the threshold of our own blindness.

Body psychotherapy: Where do you feel this f_-up?

Hellinger: Thank your mother for this f_-up.

Osho: This f_-up is the best adventure!

9-to-6: Be your strongest! This f_-up is not a work f_-up.

Philosophy: What is a work f_-up, really?

Yours, 9-to-6

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