You're at 9-to-6.

A cognitive career platform for discerning job seekers.

Maybe, you want to rebrand yourself. Leave a murky work environment. Seek financial abundance. Win a special challenge.

Whatever the reason for our talk is, you don't want that behemoth of the job market to hold you back.

Let's face it, in today's digital-first economy, you need to make a splash. Your resume must reach the right audience, and in exactly the right way, place, and time.

We inspire changes that bring our clients monetary reward, workplace reverence, and a host of other goodies.

We’ve done it before, many times over, and we’re ready to do it again.



Made to stick.

The project was founded in 2019 by a female solopreneur, xennial, and third-generation linguist.

Our lineage boasts an eminent professor of historical linguistics as my grandpa, and a well-known lexicographer and philologist as my mom.

I am a linguistic hooligan who has decided to kick off my Prada stilettos and shake things up.

Having authored a dictionary on mafia argot, and after my stints at big law firms like Latham & Watkins and White & Case, I know how to hack any language brain teaser, from criminal slang to legalese.

As a career chameleon, I've done it all to become an ace expert: HR manager, global headhunter, translator, interpreter, and (wait for it) even a job seeker.

Why 9-to-6?

I aimed for a title that would swiftly convey the importance of these iconic numbers, acknowledging that many of us toil well beyond them.

Brain Trust for Career Management

  • Natalia D'Amico

    Founder, Managing Partner

  • Antonio D'Amico

    Partner, Business Development

  • Linguistic Team

    US Editors, MA in English Language US Chief Editor, PhD in Linguistics

You chillax. We waltz with wordsmithery.

You chillax. We waltz with wordsmithery.

Little-known facts

No VC funding.

No money spent on marketing.

Cult-like following.

Our Wall of Fame:

Sometimes our clients come from industry titans such as Bosch, Enel, SAP, Swiss Re, UBS, heavyweights like Coca-Cola, GE Power, Unilever, Nestlé, or cult brands like Amazon, Google, Lego , Starbucks, Visa, Brioni, IKEA, Moleskine, and Deloitte.


An estimated 26% of executives landed jobs within one month. Approximately 53% in the short-to-medium term, depending on their exit agreements.

So don’t sleep on it. ;)